Bruce Gillingham Pollard are delighted to announce the recruitment of Jamie Orme, who will be joining the business in June 2020
Jamie has worked for many years on behalf of both Landlords & Tenants advising on Tenant mix strategy and portfolio management.
With over 11 year experience in the property industry, Jamie has represented some of the biggest retail brands in the UK including; Jigsaw, Ted Baker, Teds Grooming Room, Fred Perry, Anya Hindmarch, Whistles and Reiss. He also acted on behalf of Granger & Co. for their first London restaurant and boutique members fitness club Bodyism for their first London club.
With an in-depth understanding of Tenant mix and strategy, Jamie has also worked with a number of Landlords, both independents and institutional – such as The Portobello Group, Cain International and Shaftesbury PLC.
“After 11 years at Orme Property, I’m delighted to be joining the team at Bruce Gillingham Pollard. I’ve loved my time at Orme Property and the opportunity to help grow BGP’s Tenant representation team is hugely exciting to me”.
Tracey Pollard, Managing Director of Bruce Gillingham Pollard says “ We have been keen to build the retail element of our tenant representation business for some time, so we are really excited about Jamie joining the team. His experience of working with both Landlords and tenants throughout London, provides a valuable insight into the market, which is particular valuable at a time when our clients are seeking both knowledge and experience from their advisors”.